
Lenten Boycott

Today in the United States many people are partaking in a boycott of major businesses as a protest against the policies of the current administration and the preemptive acquiescence of these mega-corporations. With that in mind, and Ash Wednesday just around the corner, I’d like to give the religious folks out there an idea. The Lenten boycott.


Participating in a boycott of this nature during Lent is a fitting activity because it aligns with the focus of the season. Sacrifice, social justice, and self-discipline. It’s a traditional time for Christians to practice fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, all focused on encouraging a deeper relationship with God. Lets look at some of these aspects and how they align with a boycott.

Solidarity with the oppressed

Jesus’ suffering and call to care for the marginalized is at the heart of the Lenten spirit. Responding to unethical practices as they apply to unfair labor, environmental harm, and human rights abuses is a way to express personal commitment to justice.


Boycotting companies and products that are a major cornerstone of the modern way of life will mean giving up convenience and comfort. That mirrors the spirit of self-denial and fasting, and does it in a way that the Gospel on Ash Wednesday promotes: in your home, in secret.


Instead of the money spent on these boycotted companies, needs can be met from local businesses. Where there is no need to replace, the difference in spending can be sent to charities working against these same challenges that are being felt by your community.


Boycotts of this nature are a personal fight against systemic injustice and that can be a sign of personal repentance for past complicity. It’s a step toward spiritual growth.

Does it matter?

But does it actually make a difference? Your quiet protest, a boycott in your own home, isn’t going to make a blip on the balance sheets for Walmart or Amazon, right?

Except it does have an impact in many other ways. Lets first address your own spiritual growth and personal integrity. This matters to your soul. That alone makes it worth doing, and certainly more-so than giving up chocolate for a few weeks. It’s also an activity that will constantly reorient you toward societal need. You’re choosing day-in-day-out to align your spending with your values, even if nobody else is doing it.

Your efforts will support small and local businesses. Redirecting money from these large corporations to those in your community who may be feeling the need more than ever matters so much. It strengthens our communities and bonds. It also promotes ethical, sustainable commerce.

Those internal changes, the quiet action, might also be an inspiration to those close to you. Small actions shared in quiet conversations might encourage friends or family to reflect on their own habits. And that action, even symbolic, makes a statement. One person’s refusal to participate in unethical action is an act of conscience that can have powerful spiritual shockwaves.

Finally, it’s a way to build a muscle. Lent is temporary, but how many Lenten sacrifices have become life-long habits for people later? These 40 days can form a pattern for mindful spending that will last beyond the season and encourage you to continue growing. Even if nobody joins you, your actions reflect your values, and that effort will lead to more.


But how do you do it? Even if you wanted to, is it just not going on Amazon? Do you need to cancel subscriptions?

Here’s what I recommend:

  1. Define your boundaries - What type of s pending do you want to avoid? Fast-food, chain stores, online retail? Are there exceptions you need?
  2. Shop local - Groceries from farmers markets and co-ops. Local restaurants. Thrift stores. Local artists. Use local service merchants.
  3. Use cash - Withdraw money each week to hold yourself to a budget. Needing to pay with your hands keeps your spending local.
  4. Reduce - What can you give up completely? What can you make at home? What can you do that’s free instead? Dust off those board games and invite your friends over.
  5. Avoid delivery - If you do need something, go to the local shop. If you don’t have the energy to go out, don’t get it!
  6. Think about your transportation - If you can reduce your reliance on gas, that would be amazing. Can you work remote? Can you take public transit? Carpool? Can you do these changes some of the time if you can’t do it all the time?
  7. Build community - What can you trade or lend with friends instead of purchasing. Chat with your friends about media collections. What movies and books do you have that you can “shop” from each other? What about swap meets? If you don’t know what’s going on in your area and what’s available, call the library and ask a librarian. They know EVERYTHING.

This is an opportunity, not a command. If some of this appeals to you and your spirituality then I hope you give it a try. If you aren’t Christian or don’t participate in Lent, these actions may still be worth exploring. Give it some thought. Ash Wednesday is just around the corner.

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